Our Team
We are so grateful to everyone who made this project possible! Members of our core team, advisory team, and key contributors are listed below (discord tags + twitter handles). Feel free to reach out to any of us with questions or suggestions.
Core Team
- bjmoon#0001 + @bjmoonn (operations, design, tech)
- straightupjac#0160 + @straightupjac (solidity, full-stack development, tech)
- jxyw#3386 + @jasminexywang (community, content)
- Nima1007#5578 + @Nima1007 (community, content)
Advisory Team
- wilson#0004 + @wilsonsaccount (operations, strategy)
- austin#9342 + @j_austincain (operations, general)
- tmb#8525 + @theombl (operations, tech)
- heegs#3642 + @robbieheeger/Endaoment (legal)
- easonw.eth ⟠ ⠕#0713 + @RealEasonWu (social media)
- rishi#7757 + @rishiosaur (development)
- HP#2176 + @Heramb27697763 (content)
- aleemrehmtulla#8012 + @aleemrehmtulla (NFT ops)
- Jake Adler#8804 @jakeradler (NFT ops)
- Polarcube1#5486 + @nicolas_gatien (NFT design)